- Sponsored Bike Ride for the Eisteddfod

Mae yna lai na chwe wythnos i fynd bellach tan i Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Urdd Gobaith Cymru gael ei chynnal ar Faes y Primin ym Mona, a bron bob dydd mae yna rhywun yn gwneud rhywbeth i godi arian tuag at yr Eisteddfod. Ond go brin fod un rhywun wedi teithio ymhellach na’r bechgyn o Fryngwran wnaeth reidio beic o’r ‘Marble Arch’ yn Llundain i’r ‘Marble Arch’ yng Nghaergybi.
With just under six weeks to go before the Urdd National Eisteddfod takes place at the Agricultural Society Showground at Mona on Anglesey, someone is doing something to raise funds on an almost daily basis! But few have travelled further than the three young men from Bryngwran who biked from ‘Marble Arch’ in London to the ‘Marble Arch’ at Holyhead to raise funds for the Eisteddfod. 

Arweinydd y daith oedd Gethin Edwards o Fryngwran (rhif ffôn cyswllt: 07775 772712) a chafodd y bechgyn gefnogaeth Mr Alan Jones, Siop Feiciau Menai, a roes fenthyg fan a thri beic wrth gefn iddyn nhw.
The leader of the pack was Gethin Edwards (contact phone no: 07775 772712) and the riders were supported by Mr Alan Jones from the Menai Bike Shop who provided back-up with a van and three spare bikes.

Roedd aelodau o’r Urdd yn disgwyl y bechgyn adref nos Wener wrth y ‘Marble Arch’ yng Nghaergybi er mwyn datgan eu gwerthfawrogiad, ac yno hefyd yn eu croesawu roedd Eurig Wyn ASE.
Roedd y bechgyn wedi llwyddo i godi dros £1,000 tuag at yr Eisteddfod!
Members of the Urdd were awaiting their arrival at Holyead, and Eurig Wyn MEP was on hand to congratulate them on their achievement. The lads had raised over a £1,000 towards the Eisteddfod funds.

Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Bethan Wyn Jones ar 01248 723510 neu 07713 862792

For further information, please contact
Bethan Wyn Jones on 07713 862792



Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Urdd Gobaith Cymru - Môn 2004